On October 27-28, 2022, the XVII annual conference of the „Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaften e.V.“ (German Society for Fat Sciences) took place in Hamburg. At this event, AVA GmbH, as technology provider and project partner of the EthaNa consortium, presented the impressive results from the development and piloting of the rapeseed de-hulling plant. The excellent de-hulling results of less than 1% hulls content in the seed fraction were presented under the title „Plant for the continuous de-hulling, drying and conditioning of rapeseed in a fluidized bed apparatus“.
The annual PROTEINA conference in Magdeburg, organized by „Pilot Pflanzenöltechnologie Magdeburg e.V.“, took place on November 3rd and 4th, 2022. PROTEINA is a far-reaching network of all important players from business and research in Central Germany to consider current developments and to exchange information about the potential of sustainable use of innovative alternative proteins. At the PROTEINA 2022 conference, a presentation entitled „Protein extraction from rapeseed using the mild EthaNa-process“ was given by Fraunhofer CBP.