The KIT Institute for Industrial Management and Industrial Production (IIP) has an international team of about 50 economists, engineers, natural scientists and environmental scientists working on interdisciplinary, application-oriented research questions.
Especially in the fields of techno-economic analysis of strategies for the sustainable use of biomass, for the recycling of residual materials, for process and product evaluation as well as for the development of production, logistics and disposal concepts, numerous projects have been successfully carried out for a large number of national and international public contracting authorities and industrial enterprises.
Among others, IIP took over the economic and ecological accompanying research in the project “Integrated Bioproduction Phase 1 and 2” (FZK 22001909), in which vegetable oil-based value chains were evaluated, and in the project Lignocellulose-Biorefinery (Phase 1 and 2) (FZK 22014106 and 22019509). The core of this work is the combination of detailed technology considerations, e.g. on the basis of engineering process models, with economic planning and evaluation methods as well as methods of life cycle assessment under consideration of logistical aspects. Comprehensive knowledge and databases were built up and evaluation, simulation and optimization models for individual plants as well as entire sectors were created and successfully applied using economic, engineering and natural science methods.
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