EthaNa – an innovative and novel approach to the processing of rapeseed. Project partners Learn more about the partners of the joint project. Press and public relations The latest information, press releases and publications can be found here. Development of a novel concept for the processing of rapeseed.
Until 2022, partners from research and industry will be working on a novel and innovative process for rapeseed processing. EthaNa thus represents the starting point for Germany as a location for a rapeseed-based biorefinery.
The FNR and BMEL project pursues various economic and technical goals. Above all, it aims to increase the added value of rapeseed and rapeseed products.

Schematic Diagramm of processing of rapsseed. Left) classical process and Right) processing according ot the Concept of ethanolic mild extraction (EthaNa process).
The EthaNa concept is a holistic process for rapeseed processing. It includes the dehulling of the rapeseed, the cell disruption of the rapeseed kernels as well as fractionated extraction with ethanol and does without pressing the seed. Process control at a maximum temperature of 80°C is gentle. Direct extraction with alcohol makes it possible to obtain high-quality vegetable oil and proteins as the main products. In addition, secondary ingredients such as sinapic acid, tocopherols, phytic acid or glucosinolates are produced which can be used, for example, for technical or cosmetic products. In the future, the process could also be integrated into a vegetable oil biorefinery.
Further Information of the Project can be found on the subpages:
Project goals
The overall objective of the project is to develop a concept for the processing of rapeseed that includes process development and demonstration of the overall process on a pilot scale.
State of the art in science and technology
Rapeseed processing in Europe currently takes place in conventional oil mills and consists of pressing and post-extraction of the press cake with hexane to increase the oil yield.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) via the project sponsoring agency Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR, Agency for Renewable Resources). The joint project is divided into a total of 11 subprojects, which will be carried out by the respective project partners:
1. Piloting of the EthaNa process and investigations into the processing of raw products – Fraunhofer Centre for Chemical-Biotechnological Processes (CBP), Promotional reference: 22400517
2. Extraction of minor components from the extracts ¬– Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB), Promotional reference: 22400617
3. ¬Characterization of rapeseed meal concentrates for the production of rapeseed proteins and evaluation of their possible applications – Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging (IVV), Promotional reference: 22400717
4. Investigation of rapeseed meal concentrate for application as animal feed – Research Institute for Animal Feed Technology of IFF, Promotional reference: 22400817
5. Accompanying economic and ecological research in the joint project – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – Institute of Industrial Management and Production (IIP), Promotional reference: 22400917
6. Technical support and engineering of the pilot plant – B+B Engineering GmbH, Promotional reference: 22401017
7. Provision of oilseeds and evaluation of the overall process – C. Thywissen GmbH, Promotional reference: 22401117
8. Piloting the continuous peeling of rape and technical support – AVA Anhaltinische Verfahrens- und Anlagentechnik GmbH, Promotional reference: 22401217
9. Design and piloting of the technology for the digestion of rape seed – Miccra GmbH, Promotional reference: 22401317
10. Design and piloting of dryer and filter screw for solid-liquid separation, alcohol evaporation and drying – VetterTec GmbH, Promotional reference: 22401417
11. Strategy development for industrial launch and technology marketing – tti Magdeburg GmbH, Promotional reference: 22401517
Further is available on
(Contact: Nicole Paul; Agency for Renewable Resources FNR; press release Nov 17, 2017).